560 – Pipeline and Sewer Inspection, Cleaning and Waste Hauling

Price: $1,700,000

Location: Central Texas

Industry: Building and Construction

Listing ID: 560

Listing Status: Under Contract


Highly profitable specialty business that does Closed Circuit Television Video (CCTV) inspections of pipelines and sewers as well as cleaning and waste hauling. The business operates across the state of Texas, although most of its work is in the central Texas area.

A CCTV pipe inspection provides data and locates faulty joints along the line. Proper analysis, by the client’s engineers, will help determine degradation levels or if it is feasible to fix the faulty joints instead of installing a new costly pipeline.

Cleaning and waste hauling are growing segments within the business, with significant growth opportunities.

The company serves clients that are not as impacted by the ups and downs of the economy. The business has 70+ stable blue-chip clients that include water companies, counties, cities, universities, etc.

The company is well established with a 40+ year presence in the market, and the owner is willing to train the new buyer for 6 weeks, and if the right buyer comes along, the owner would be open to staying as a minority owner.


Down Payment: $170,000

Total Sales: $1,200,000

Cash Flow: $484,000

FFE: $635,000

FFE Included: Yes

Inventory: $5,000

Inventory Included: Yes


Year Established: 40+ Yrs

Employees: 5


Real Estate Included: No

Franchise: No


Reason For Sale:

Other Business Interest

Training & Support:

6 Weeks

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